CPACC Preparation and Resources

100 Hours of A11Y

I spent about one hundred hours studying to become a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies with the International Association of Accessibility Professionals from November 12 of 2024 to February 6 of 2025.

This section of my website, which houses over fifty thousand words of notes, quizzes, reflections, and mnemonics will hopefully be useful to you, a prospective test-taker.

Please see the disclaimers I have before utilizing any of the resources on this site.



Study Notes

Please use my study notes alongside the Body of Knowledge, and not as a replacement for it.

Domain One: Disability and Assistive Technology

Domain Two: Accessibility and Universal Design

Domain Three: Laws, Standards, Management

Further Reading

If you've completed Domains 1, 2, and 3, the work isn't over. The back of the BoK features a list of additional readings. I went through all of them and made notes. Read along with me! Further Readings Notes.

Important Disclaimers

I created this portal prior to taking the exam on February 6. Here's what I edited after taking the exam:

The multiple choice questions hosted on this study guide were written entirely by me with no knowledge of what the actual exam contained. They are not official exam questions and any resemblance to the actual test questions is purely incidental.

There may be erroneous information presented in this study guide. Always refer to the BoK for accurate information.

The legal information presented in some sections of this study guide is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as authorized legal advice

The medical information presented in some sections of this study guide is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as authorized medical advice


Support Me

If you found these materials useful and you would like to leave a tip, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi to help pay down my CPACC exam fees.

Please feel no obligation.

Get In Touch

If you have feedback, or just want to chat for whatever reason, reach out to me on Mastodon. I'm also on the A11Y slack (you can find me by scrolling through posts on #cpacc-study-group, I'll be recognizable). DMs are open.